Prestwick Homeowners Association Prestwick Homeowners Association
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Covenants of the Prestwick Homeowners Association of Frankfort

  • No building shall be erected or maintained on any lot for manufacturing industrial or business purposes: and no noxious or offensive trade shall be carried on upon any lot nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood.
  • No building shall be erected or maintained on any lot unless it be a dwelling house designed and equipped for occupancy as a private residence by a single family only, provided that at the time of or after (but not before) the erection of any such dwelling house, accessory buildings (including servants’ quarters, private garages and other out-buildings) may be erected and maintained as appurtenances of such dwelling house. No more than one such dwelling house and the accessory buildings appurtenant thereto shall be maintained on any one lot at the same time.
  • Before any building shall be occupied or used, a septic tank or other facilities for the disposal of sewage shall be erected or installed, and the arrangement for sewage disposal shall be such as to prevent all nuisance and all possibility of contamination, and such as to be satisfactory to the State health authorities.
  • Non advertising sign or billboard, and no visible oil or gas tank for fuel or other purposes, shall be erected or maintained on any lot.
  • No stables, or other quarters shall be erected, maintained or used on any lot for stabling or accommodating any horses, cattle, swine, goats, sheep, bees or fowl.
  • Notwithstanding that it may comply with the foregoing restriction, no such dwelling house or accessory building, or fence, shall be erected, and no alteration costing more than One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) shall be made to any such dwelling house or accessory building, or fence, until and unless the plans and specification for the same have been drawn by a licensed architect showing the nature, shape, size, architectural design, materials, location, proposed landscaping thereof, and approximate cost, and (1) shall have been first submitted to an approved in writing by Arthur T. McIntosh & Company, 105 West Madison Street, Chicago, Illinois, or its successors or assigns, within thirty (30) days after the submission to it of such plans and specifications, (2) shall have been submitted to a committee of three architects, the first of whom shall have been appointed by the owner of the lot, the second of whom shall have been appointed by Arthur T. McIntosh & Company, or its successors or assigns, and the third of whom shall have been appointed by the two architects first so appointed, and shall have been approved in writing by two of such committee of architects

*The above are Covenants & Deed Restrictions of Prestwick and may not by all-inclusive. Please check the Covenants and Deeds Restrictions for your unit or contact your attorney.

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